

"HE TAUGHT HER HOW TO LIVE, SHE TAUGHT HER HOW TO LIVE." Indeed, this sentence as at the beginning of the movie summarizes the realitonship of two main characters in the movie. In anywhere, love cannot be as pure as in "AUTUMN IN NEWYORK." As in the The Pianinst, I was blew into tears while watching this movie. I love romance, I love the theme of love. Horror, fantastism are way from being innocent. Perhaps that is the reason why I always choose movies on romance or drama:)
As one can deduce from the title, the film takes place in Gotham in the fall. The main character is Will. And he is a shameless womanizer and the 50-year old owner of the city's restaurant. Though he believes himself to be happy, moving aimlessly from one woman's arms to the next, he finds himself oddly smitten by Charlotte. On the first scenes, this restaurant owner Will came to a party given by his old friend. And there, Will came across Charlotte who was beautiful, wit, and innocencent. However, when I learned that he dated Charlotte's deceased mother in the past, I was suprised:) On the flip side, Charlotte has merely a year to live and is not afraid to die because she has nothing truly worth living for. The two find sustenance in one another, but (as all love stories go) they endure trying times...

Nevertheless, Charlotte is either too young or too sick. And Will was not able to control his libido or escape his shady past. So, for me they were meant for one another but how long could it last? The thought of this made me sad and I watched the whole film with this question in my mind. Nevertheless, I want to mention that it's a surprise that the performances are solid and the acting sustains the film as a whole. Richard Gere was showing no signs of aging. Also the performance of Charlotte turned in a credible performance, and her features are perfect for the role of a sickly young woman. Actually I remember her from the movies "Girl" and "Interrupted". Winona is still nice:) Additionaly, she obsolutely gets well with Richard Gere. Despite the generation gap, Wionna is from Japan, she shows her flexibility as an actress.

Unfortunately, the script feels artificial largely because the main characters' dialogue comes across unnatural. For example, when Winona out of nowhere recites random poetry, it seems as if she and Gere are talking at instead of to one another. Also, none of the supporting cast seems to even question Gere’s choice of girlfriend, knowing both that he can’t stay faithful and that she’s on her deathbed. This is really disputable...

What I did not like in the movie is its story's utter predictability.( This was one of the few films where I was able to anticipate every plot twist with more than a 90% degree of accuracy.) Little was left to interpretation or the imagination. Nevertheless, while the images are quite stunning, pretty pictures alone do not make for a good film. What is needed are credible characters to care about and a script that not only entertains, but inspires at the same time. Unfortunately, one out of three is not good enough in this movie..

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