

First of all, as you can predict from the photos, Intolerable Cruelty is a romantic-comedy:) Actually, it is not a different kind of movie; the story is not attractive one. Nevertheless, what makes the movie so much poignant is, I think, because George Clooney and Catherina Zeta-Jones. In the movie, they are a perfect couple:) George Clooney plays Miles Massey. He is a very successful Los Angeles divorce attorney. Nevertheless, he feels very bored and has midlife crisis. (Indeed, I have not known these vocobulary items "midlife crisis". I have learnt it after watching this movie:) ) Miles is very talented in winning cases regardless of the evidence stacked against his clients. The most significant example of that is when Bonnie Donaly(he is a client of Miles) retains his services and bleeds her TV producer husband, Donovan, despite his having caught her entertaining a pool cleaner in a house with no pool. It is interseting, is not it?

Similarly strong evidence weighs against Rex , who hires Miles to represent him when his wife, Marylin (Catherine Zeta-Jones), obtains a video of her husband with a woman in a motel room. In fact, Rex is a man who is a "woman hunter" as we say in Turkish... As the movie goes on, Miles turns the tables on Marylin in court and he presents a surprise witness who exposes her as a gold-digger who set out to marry a wealthy fool. As a result, Marylin comes away with nothing.
In order to take revenge, Marylin goes to Miles' office with her future husband, Howard. Her future husband is an oil tycoon. When she goes to Miles' office, she insists on signing the famous "Massey pre-nup" as proof her love is not related to material concerns. Nevertheless, later, Howard destroys the contract during their wedding as a gesture of his love, I think:).

Six months later when she reappears, the mutual attraction between Marylin and Miles is stronger than ever. From now on, it is consistently funny:) The film often remin me classic comedies like "The Awful Truth" and " Mr. and Mrs. Smith". There are clever dialogues, dark humor in the movie. It stars George Clooney again.The concept" Massey Pre-Nup" is remembeed with him:) Actually, it is the document that virtually assures that rich people will not have to pay their spouse any penny when they get divorced. What is the comic aspect of it is The Massey Pre-Nup is so tight that they spend a whole semester at Harvard Law School teaching it. This is told in a humurous way in the movie. You should watch those scenes:)

Intolerable Cruelty is a movie about rich people and their money. In other words, there is not much of a story here. There are rich lawyers, rich husbands and rich women who marry rich men for their money. There are genuinely funny moments and I liked hearing the Simon and Garfunkel music in the movie, but overall Intolerable Cruelty is a barely tolerable movie.I am sorry to say that. And Catherine Zeta-Jones is so beautiful that I could see why a rich man would eat a pre-nuptial agreement for her sake:) For the most part, however, I found the characters in the movie so unlikable and their motives so greedy that I had a really hard time staying interested in the movie. Sure there is the dialogue (although I don't understand why the line "You fascinate me" is so funny, especially since it is in every single trailer and television commercial and by the time it is shown in the movie it shouldn't be nearly as funny as it could have been - yet my friend still laughed hysterically). Sure there are unique characters - Donovan Donaly is a funny rich guy; Howard Doyle is a funny, annoying rich guy; and I am sure I will be talking about the character called Wheezy Joe for years:)

The only thing that I really got from this movie is that it is better not to be rich:) Nevertheless, much more important thing is that I have learned new vocobularies.

" Cretinous wanker" is one of them. Miles uttered it while he is speaking with one of his friends.His friend asked: " Remember my friend Ollie?, Ollie Olerud? And he said: "Short, cretinous wanker?" Actually, 'cretinous' means a person afflicted with cretinism. Or it can be a slang meaning 'silly'. The second one is more suitable here. 'Wanker" means n offensive word to insult somebody, especially a man, and t show angeror dislike.
Also, I heard this sentence : "His tantrum might have ended this schmo's life and ruined his own." by Donavan. Here, I could not get the meaning of "tantrum" at first. After looking up to the dictionary, I learned that it means a sudden short period of angry, unreasonable behaviour, especially in a child. And, "schmo" means a person who is stupid or foolish n an annoying way.

Bonnie said:> "So that I can massage the kinks out of our testimony." to Miles. Here, I earned two new words. The first one is " massage" which means 'to change facts, figures, etc. in order to make them seem better than they really are.' The second one is "kink". It means 'a bend or twist in something that is usually straight.'

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