

Michael O'Neal and Julianne Potter have been friends for years but when Michael rings Julianne to tell her he is getting married to a lady called Kimberly Wallace, she finally realizes her true feelingsto him, which are that she loves him. When she gets there , she can't do it so she tries to do everything to get them to break up. Yes, this is a romantic comedy and the plot is very attractive actually.
"Do you really love him? Or is this just about winning?"
"I've seen you a lot more naked that this."
"Yes... but thing's are... different now. "

Here, main characters Michael and Julianne and Kimberly are typically sympathetic characters. Nevertheless, the situation of Jualianne is a bit different I think. I liken Julianne to a tragic hero:) The ones we have learnt in our drama lessons. What I see her is an inability to communicate an unspoken love from a lack of confidence or from a fear of failure. She loves Michael; nevertheless, she cannot express it openly. While she is waiting for him to be together again, she has been informed that the man she loves so muxh will get married. What is much worse is that the one who gives this news is Michael himself. What a pitty, is not it? As a someone who is very sensitive, I felt ver sad at that moments. And memorible quote of her is "Michael... I love you. I've loved you for nine years, I've just been too arrogant and scared to realize it, and... well, now I'm just scared. So, I realize this comes at a very inopportune time but I really have this gigantic favor to ask of you. Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy. Oh, that sounds like three favors, doesn't it? "

If I explain the story much more deeply, I can say these: Julianne is a food critic who is called at the last minute to her best friend's wedding. However, her best friend also happens to be an ex-boyfriend, Michael for whom she still has feelings for, despite nine years of having been apart. In the past, they made a pact whereby if neither of them were married by the time they reached the age of 28, they would marry each other. Just prior to Julianne's 28th birthday, Michael rings her in a state of excitement to inform her that he is about to marry Kimmy, whom he has only recently met. She is devastated by Michael's sudden engagement to Kimmy. Kimm is a wealthy and perfectly beautiful architecture student, and rushes off to Chicago.
Actually, what I found I so much ironic in this movie is that alhough the audience is given all the information of the relationships between the main characters, the characters themselves are unaware of these relationships:) For example, once Julianne arrives in Chicago, she begins work on doing everything she can to claim Michael as her own. She is like a home-breaker as we say in Turkish too:). Half the fun is watching Julianne hovering in the background, witnessing her schemes spring into motion and then backfire unexpectedly:) And unfortunately, neither Michael nor Kimmy are the wiser.

George... you're not at all the way I envisioned. With the way Jules went on about you, I thought you would be.... uh...
Yes... gay!
I just pretend to be gay!
But why?

This conversation above is between Julianne and George. While watching the movie this conversation s very comic and sweet for me. Julianne decides that this wedding is quite unacceptable, and she sets her mind to breaking up the couple, enlisting the reluctant help of her gay editor, George Downes. George is close friend of Julianne with whom Julianne can discuss her predicament. If there is one character that is outstanding in this movie, it would be George. He is excellent in his role, and very funny at times. His performance is the highlight of the movie. When Julianne's maneuvers fail to produce the desired results, she calls George for help:) He promptly flies out to help her, and in the highlight of the entire movie, George pretends to be Julianne's fiancee.

The scenes on which Kimmy sees Julianne and Michael are kissing each other are very comic too. What makes them s much comic is the conversations between Kimmy and Julianne:) Kimmy says: "You kissed him!At my parents' house. On my wedding day." Julianne: "I love this man, and there is no way I am going to give him up for some big-haired food critic."

Kimmy: "I think I'm going to cry. "
Julianne: "Me too. "
Also, there are other conversations that I will not forget forever:) One of them is between George and Julianne.
George: "When you kissed Michael did he kiss you back? "
Julianne: "What do you mean? We were lip to lip. "

Another is between Michael and Julianne:
Michael: "Kimmy says if you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise the moment just..."
Julianne: "Passes you by..."
Michael: "Passes you by..."
Julianne: "It is the duty of the best man to dance with the maid of honor."
Michael: " Dance? You can't dance. When did you learn how to dance?"
Julianne: "I've got moves you've never seen."

But, what really makes My Best Friend's Wedding so much attractive is the quirky humor that permeates the entire movie. Also soundtacks are perfect and go well with the scenes. Dusty Springfield's "Wishin' and Hopin'" is one of the soundteack that I found amazing. Also, while George is pretending to be Julianne's fiancee and telling how they first met, he breaks out into a rendition of Dionne Warwick's "I Say a Little Prayer". He is soon joined by a chorus of Michael's and Kimmy's relatives, seated around the same table. The merriment then spreads to the rest of the restaurant in which they are eating, and soon the entire restaurant is singing along.

Bite the bullet... tell him that you love him.
"My Best Friend's Wedding" is great. It will make you laugh out loud, it will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and it will tug at your heart strings. Will Julianne reveal her true feelings to Michael? Will Michael marry Kimmy or Julianne? In order or find answers to these questions, you should watch this movie. T
his is the movie you should be watching!

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